After an undetermined cataclysmic event, Dawn finds herself isolated and growing increasingly sick as her medicine diminishes and her body weakens. As she is nearing her end, she is haunted by a promise made to a departed friend. She must journey outside her home for the last time to fulfill that promise and find peace.
An atmospheric exploration of the effects of total isolation, the film, shot on 35mm, is without dialogue and relies heavily on sound and imagery to take us through our character's deteriorating mental and physical state as she deals with loss, loneliness, and the fragility of the human experience.
DAWN is the inaugural project of RED DAWN TRIO, a collective of three cinematographers, Katherine Castro, Nona Catusanu, and Liza Gipsova, based in New York City. Initially we bonded over the commonalities in our individual working experiences as mid-career female cinematographers. We developed DAWN as a response to the lack of opportunities available to us to shoot on 35mm film, in a technical and aesthetic exercise, which ultimately became a radical collaboration exploring new ways of working with our peers in a way that department heads rarely have the opportunity to.
The project and the finished film is a celebration of celluloid and collaboration.
On the narrative end, Tim's recent projects as a feature producer include Mickey Keating’s DARLING (Fantastic Fest 2015), which was acquired by Screen Media, and Natasha Kermani’s IMITATION GIRL (Frightfest 2017), which was acquired by Epic Pictures and Dread Central as part of their inaugural Dread Central Presents slate. A graduate of NYU’s UGFTV program, Tim is also a member of the IATSE Local 600 Camera Union and Society of Camera Operators.